Saturday, December 28, 2019
Cancer of Cervix - 531 Words
Gynaec Oncology Cancer of Cervix If your loved one or you is diagnosed with or may think that you have cervical cancer, the cancer of cervix team at Radium Cancer Hospital is here to treat you. We hold internationally recognized physicians who are dedicated to offer compassionate care, treatment, support and personalized diagnosis for patients suffering with cervical cancer or any member in your family. Radium Cancer Hospital offers exceptional care by ïÆ'Ë Leading gynaec oncology specialists serve you in diagnosis and treatment. ïÆ'Ë Through our world class Pap smear evaluation center, systematic Pap smear assessment and management is carried out for all patients. ïÆ'Ë Specialised care, radiation treatments, tissue biopsy, etc is. Cancer of Ovary and Fallopian Tube The advancement of medicines and technology is reflected in ovarian cancer, which it would be no longer considered as a type of cancer. Ovarian Cancer has several types and identifying it exactly requires the skill of experienced physicians. Radium Cancer Hospital holds highly skilled pathologists, experienced in making correct diagnosis to treat the particular type of cancer. Here is why, it is necessary to select a renowned cancer team dedicated to treat all types of ovarian cancer. We are one of the leading womenââ¬â¢s cancer centers in India. Our researchers and pathologists are capable in diagnosing ovarian cancers that includes epithelial, germ cell, primary peritoneal carcinoma, and sex cord stromal. Cancer ofShow MoreRelatedCervical Cancer : A Tumor Of The Cervix1740 Words à |à 7 PagesCervical Cancer Myths Tigist Kiflu English 2130 Professor Bosher 26 November 2016 Introduction Cervical cancer is a tumor of the cervix. The cervix is the part of the womb, which projects into the vagina. It measures less than one inch across and about one and a half inches in length. It is a block of a special type of muscle covered by a thin layer of surface cells. Cancer of the cervix developsRead MoreEssay about Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Cancer1199 Words à |à 5 Pages Cervical cancer is the type of cancer that forms in the cervix tissue in women. The cervix is the organ which connects the uterus and the vagina. There are multiple causes for cervical cancer. These causes include: HPV, smoking, immunosuppression, chlamydial infection, diet, oral contraceptives, intrauterine device use, multiple full term pregnancies, young at a first full term pregnancy, poverty, diethylstilbestrol, and a family history of cervical cancer. The most important risk factor forRead MoreCauses And Treatment Of Cervical Cancer1335 Words à |à 6 PagesINTRODUCTION Cervical cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the cervix or cervix uteri. Cervical cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in females worldwide with over 527,000 new cases 1,2 and perhaps the second most common cancer among women in the third world countries 3-5 It accounts for 9% of the total new cancer cases and 8% (more than 265,000) of the total cancer deaths among females.1,2 More thanRead More Cervical Cancer: The Best Form of Prevention Is To Be Informed And Aware1375 Words à |à 6 PagesCervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and the leading cause of death among women in underdeveloped countries. In fact, 500,000 cases are diagnosed each year worldwide. This particular cancer is found mainly in middle-aged to older women; it is very rare to find it in women age fifteen and younger. The average age of women with cervical cancer is age 50-55; however, the cance r begins to appear in women in their twenties (2). It is also found in women of lower-class areas, asRead MoreTaking a Look at Cervical Cancer742 Words à |à 3 PagesLet the truth be known that cervical cancer can affect everyone with cervix. That is, all women. It doesnââ¬â¢t just happen to those with multiple sexual partners or women after the age of 30. It can happen even to monogamous women and women in their 20s. But bear in mind that cervical cancer is preventable and curable especially in its early stages. Massive now is the campaign and attention given by health workers, media and people who had experienced cervical cancer themselves or within their familiesRead More Cervical Cancer Essay1058 Words à |à 5 PagesCervical cancer malignant cancer of the cervix uteris or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages, which has made cervical cancer the focus of intense screening efforts using the Pap smear. About 2.2 percent of women carry one of the 2 virus strains most likely to lead to cervical cancer. One of the symptoms of Cervical Cancer is very Unusual amount of discharge. Treatment consists of surgeryRead MoreHuman Papillomavirus ( HPV ) And Cancer Of The Ceervix960 Words à |à 4 PagesAssociation of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cancer of the Cervix It is important to have a clear understanding of how the etiology of cancer of the cervix was established which eventually enabled the development of HPV vaccines, one of the major breakthroughs in the history of cervical cancer. For decades, the etiology of cancer of the cervix remained unknown and there were several attempts by past scientists to establish the cause of cervical cancer without much success. However, the earliest breakthroughsRead MoreThe Relationship Between Hpv And Cervical Neoplasia1220 Words à |à 5 Pagesalso becoming apparent that those with multiple HPV infections have a higher risk of developing cancer of the cervix. [26] With the changing dimension of research studies having confirmed that HPV was a necessary cause of cervical cancer, epidemiological studies advanced to associating different strains of HPV to different anogenital pathologies, categorizing different histological forms of cervical cancer in relation to HPV strains and highlighting other risk factors that may play a prominent roleRead MoreHistorical Epidemiological Study Trends On The Causal Relationship Between Hpv And Cervical Cancer1393 Words à |à 6 PagesSYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF HISTORICAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY TRENDS IN ESTABLISHING THE CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HPV AND CERVICAL CANCER: For centuries, the etiology of cancer of the cervix remained unknown and there were several attempts by past scientists to establish the cause of cervical cancer without much success. However, the earliest breakthroughs came in the 1930s while Dr Richard Shope of the Rockefeller University was working on wild rabbits that had developed ââ¬Å"hornâ⬠, which upon further analysisRead MoreUnderstanding Cervical Cancer Essay649 Words à |à 3 PagesCervical cancer, also called cervical carcinoma, develops from abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix (McKesson Clinical...). The cervix connects the vagina and the uterus. During birth, the cervix dilates and allows a baby to pass from the womb to the birth canal (Hixson, 37). Sadly, cervical cancer used to be the common cause of cancer deaths in women, but fatalities greatly reduced since the development of the Pap smear in the 1930s (American Cancer...). Early diagnosis and treatment
Friday, December 20, 2019
The Populists and Progressives - 1137 Words
During the late 19th and early 20th century both the Populist Party and Progressive movement wanted to preserve some things, while also addressing the need for reform. Although many of the ideas and goals of these ââ¬Å"Third partiesâ⬠were initially not legislated and considered far-fetched, many of these ideas later became fundamental laws throughout American history. The Populists and Progressives were both grass roots movements, and addressed the needs of the poor and powerless, for the Populists it was farmers and for the Progressives it was urban lower and middle class workers. These two movements attempted to bring the powerless peoples issues to national politics. The Populists and Progressives wanted to preserve some American ideals ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The Progressive movement wanted to return a sense of power to the working man and sought to end the flourishing thought that America was transforming from its democratic roots that had a large emphasis on ag riculture, into an oligarchy run by the capitalists, big cooperations and monopolies. The Progressives reform emphasized regulating large corporations and trusts who were controlling more and more of the countryââ¬â¢s finances.At this time, millions of people immigrated to American urban areas from different countries such as, Europe, Italy, and Russia. Because these new immigrants found it hard to find a job ,they competed for low wages, worked in poor conditions and lived in intolerable tenements. Despite this large economic gap between the elite capitalists and the poor, many capitalists and wealthy people didnt feel that it was their responsibility to help out the less fortunate. The Progressive Movements reform caused the Anthracite Coal Strike. During this strike, President Roosevelt sided with the workers and limited their hours of work, while also giving them an increase in wages. Roosevelt became the first president to give the government an ability to control the woking hours and wages, which helped the people. The Progressive movement sought to also create the new feminism in which women would be more involved politically, socially, economically and culturally. The Progressive eraShow MoreRelatedProgressives versus Populists 522 Words à |à 2 Pagesonset 20th Century holds two main movements: The Populists and The Progressives. These two parties are similar, but their policies and philosophies hold diversities. The Populists party comprises of farmers and poor whites in the south; they focus on eastern interests i.e. railroads and banks. The Populists also call for government action, to intervene and to create an efficient society which includes a flourishing middle class. The Progressives include educated middle class men and men of universitiesRead MorePopulist and Progressive Movements532 Wo rds à |à 2 Pages Populist And Progressives The Populists and Progressive were two major movements that occurred during the outbreaks of the workers union after the civil war. The populists began during the late 1800s and the progressives began during the 1900s. There are many differences between these two movements, but yet both of these movements have many things in common. During this time, farmers united to protect their interests by creating a major political party. This party was known as the PeoplesRead MoreAn Analysis of the Populist and Progressive Era1663 Words à |à 7 PagesPopulistââ¬â¢s, and became the center and the driving force of the Progressive era. During the gilded age railroads were being built, Industrialization was rising, the population of United States was increasing dramatically; and corporate businesses were becoming extremely powerful. The gilded age was known for its corruption and business domination, it wasnââ¬â¢t until the Populist movement when people started to fight back and also not until the Progressive movement when people started changing the government systemRead More Populists v Progressives Essay705 Words à |à 3 Pages Populists v Progressives nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A political party is an organization whose aim is to gain control of the government apparatus, usually through the election of its candidates to public office. Political parties take many forms, but their main functions are similar: to supply personnel for government positions; to organize these personnel around the formation and implementation of public policy; and to serve in a mediating role between individuals and their government. PoliticalRead More The Populist and Progressive Movements Essay516 Words à |à 3 PagesThe Populist and Progressive Movements The Populists and Progressive were form of movement that occurred during the outbreaks of the workers union after the civil war. The populists began during the late 1800s.The progressive began during the 1900s. There are many differences between these two movements, but yet these movements have many things that are similar. Farmers united to protect their interests, even creating a major political party. The party was called the peoples partyRead MoreComparing the Approaches of the Progressive and Populist Movements893 Words à |à 4 Pages20th century the progressive movement and populist movement were groups and organizations getting together to resolve social, economic, and political problems occurring in the United States. Both movements had different approaches to what was more important and how to deal with problems. Progressivism was mainly for the betterment of cities while populism is for agrarian section of farmers. First of all there were social failures and successes between the populist and the progressive. During the progressiveRead MorePopulist and Progressive Reform in American History1763 Words à |à 8 PagesPopulist and Progressive Reform in American History Throughout American history, reform was common among people of a particular, race, gender, or class used to accomplish change. The emergence of the populist and progressive movements were a response to the changing climate in American society due to rapid industrialization, an ethnically diverse personality of a young nation, and birth of American imperialism. Disgruntled American farmers that wished to advance their economic position initiatedRead MoreMovements Throughout History Led by Farmers and the Economy Essay730 Words à |à 3 Pages The populist movement occurred in the late 19th century, formed from the Grangers movement where its goal was ta movement for people, to change the economic system where it would benefit farmers. The grange movement rapidly declined in the 1870s and was replaced by the farmer alliances. The farmer alliances were more political rather then social. The farmerââ¬â¢s alliance later formed the populist. The populist movement is considered to be an agrarian revolt by farmers and those concerned withRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of The Progressives1277 Words à |à 6 Pagesfactors in which the Populist also faced. Although the Progressives included subgroups among themselves, they were joined together with common beliefs such as making the economy better by the production of technological and scientific management, the adoption of city managers in cities, and the elimination of trusts and monopolies. Conversely, as the Populist s view was attracted by the industrial sector and the replacement of the Democrats, as the nation s second party. The Progressive s focus on improvingRead MorePolitical Groups in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries: Progressivism Versus Populism (Compare and Contrast)1061 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe division among populists and progressivists during the late 19th and early 20th centuries yet they were aware of the division between Democrats and Republicans. Populism referred to a part icular political style, which expressed alienation and aggression and tend to hate Wall Street and bank interests. Progressivism was a movement of the college-educated urban middle class, which valued expertise and efficiency and favored government regulation and foreign affairs. The populists began during the
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Diabetes a Chronic Diseases among the Aboriginals in Australia
Questions: 1.Give a detailed description and demonstrate an understanding of the Sociological and Cultural Impacts of Diabetes/Chronic disease in the Aboriginal Community.2.a.Give a definition of what a Digital Narrative is and why the Webpage Employs it as a Health Promotion tool, being Mindful of Communication Style and techniques.2.b.Compare the Similarities and differences of which is designed for the Mainstream vs "How's Your Sugar?". Please Cite the Web Pages on the referencing page. 3.Provide an Example of another Website that uses a Narrative Health Model. www address Only.4.Conclusion based on your Investigation to reflect your Professional Response. Answers: 1.Diabetes is one of the worlds fastest growing chronic diseases among the Aboriginals in Australia. The greatest burden tends to fall on the Indigenous people who are among the most socially disadvantaged groups (Burrow Ride, 2016). There are many social and cultural impacts of diabetes or chronic diseases among the Aboriginal population. It not only affects the daily life of the people who are suffering from diabetes, but all their family members and friends. It affects the lifestyle, eating and drinking habits and other aspects of life of the Aboriginal people. They face problems in getting jobs or obtaining driving licenses (Aspin et al., 2012). There are many psychological impacts of the disease on the people as they need to make many changes in their food habits and alterations in their daily life. Apart from the person suffering from diabetes or any chronic disease, the family members have to make adjustments to the changes that greatly affect the relationships and their own lives. There are burden and impact of diabetes complications in the people affecting their social and cultural lives. There is loss of sight or limb amputation that affects the persons ability to perform their daily activities. It also affects their ability to participate in the social activities and greatly challenge their independence. It also affects the daily routine activities like mobility, self-care and communication (Lowell et al., 2012). The complications like kidney dialysis leading to constant hospital visits for dialysis consumes a lot of time. There are also indirect effects like psychological impacts and impacts on the well-being and social-life of the person affected with diabetes. In the course of struggling to cope up with the daily lifestyle changes, they develop stress and feeling of hopelessness towards their life (Brundisini et al., 2013). There are social issues like change in regular meals, insulin tablets, and disposal of needles is not a simple in the outreach communities as they are concentrated on the acute health problems and social issues encountered on a daily basis. According to Sun Buys, (2013), the Aboriginal population experience social disadvantage in terms of lack of access to healthcare services, employment, education, housing and income. They die prematurely from diabetes and other chronic diseases as compared to people with high socioeconomic status. The psychological stress related to daily activities in the management of diabetes is affecting the Aboriginals in terms of social, cultural, environmental or economic aspects. To help the Aboriginals to cope up with the diabetes, related stress issues and its relationship to management of diabetes, a website, "How's Your Sugar?" is introduced as a health promotion tool that for the wellness of the Aboriginal population in Australia. The website, "How's Your Sugar?" devised by Australian Community Center for Diabetes (ACCD), based at Victoria Universitys campus has developed this website for the Indigenous people by the Indigenous people. This website deals with the practicalities of the Indigenous people living well with diabetes (, 2017). The most important aspect of this website is the peer to peer narrative which is appropriate as a health promotion tool among the Indigenous people. They interact through simple graphics and interactive video clips that explains the importance of food, physical exercise, smoking cessation and medication in controlling diabetes. The peer to peer narrative based website outlines that challenges and successes of the interviewees where they understand the importance of using internet to promote health by sharing their health stories. People suffering from diabetes know how to manage their lifestyle to cope up with the disease and this information is supplemented with the practical realities through this website instead of providing brochure in diabetes management (Ziebland Wyke, 2012). Although diabetes is a medical condition, it is also a social and cultural experience and so it needs to be voiced and shared to know the areas of priority in diabetes management. The use of narrative is a promising health promotion tool in this website as narration is considered to be a method of sharing knowledge among the different communities (Morris Morris, 2012). When people share their health stories and experiences in managing diabetes, it helps to map the struggling areas and work for the betterment for the management. This website is greatly helpful for the Aboriginal peoples wellness as it helps to map the areas the Aboriginal population is struggling with in their daily management of diabetes. It also helps to plan the successful strategies for the better management of diabetes. Through the understanding of diabetes from a cultural and social perspective, this website helps to voice and address the concerns of the Aboriginals regarding diabetes management. When they share their health experiences through the peer to peer narrative, they are able to share knowledge and develop skills for the better management of diabetes (Dale, Williams Bowyer, 2012). It also helps to close the gap by providing evidence through the evidence based in informing the practice and policy for the Aboriginal health (Schweier et al., 2014). It helps them to provide information to the people in highlighting important messages about diabetes and value of family and community support that would help to manage diabetes in a better way. 2.a.Digital narrative or digital storytelling is a technique that employs the new practice of storytelling through the digital tools. They are accompanied by video, photographs, music, sound and a narrative voice. Digital narrative is used as a health promotion tool by the website that engages people in group-based process where they share their health stories (Sweet, 2013). When the people tell their health stories, it demonstrates positive social interactions and increase in optimism towards health behavior change (Cunsolo Willox, Harper Edge, 2013). Digital storytelling helps to promote the health stories, lived experiences of the Indigenous population and relates them to reality. As a result, it aid in engaging communities and in the development of capacities for lifestyle changes to diabetes (O'mara, 2013). As the Indigenous population is the most disadvantaged groups, so "How's Your Sugar?" website addresses the health disparities of the Aboriginals and voice their experiences and Indigenous knowledge in the community. As a result, it helps to locate the power of the Aboriginals within the indigenous community. The digital narrative is culturally relevant and respectful as described by the viewers of this website (Matthews Sunderland, 2013). As the health stories shared in this website are of the community people, the viewers consider them to be culturally inclined, relevant and respectful. The digital stories shared by the people are related to the Aboriginal population and they feel good to see the stories and know what is the present scenario regarding diabetes management among their population (Rowsell et al., 2015). It is also a way to make people learn about diabetes and it acts as a way to increase awareness, understanding and knowledge of diabetes management (Beltrn Begun, 2014). Through this website, Aboriginals have internalized health messages and added meaning to their lives. In digital narrative, communication styles and techniques are important. Through this website, people learn to discuss and converse difficult and diverse perspectives about diabetes. There is a feeling of inspiration, insight and critical thinking among the people regarding their health and in the better management of diabetes (Wentzer Bygholm, 2013). As a result of health stories shared through this website, Indigenous population is intended to make changes in their health behavior for the diabetes management. It helps to link research to practice as it is considered to be an innovative tool as its locus of control is the Indigenous people and situated within the local community (Baym, 2015). There is various communication skills involved in digital narrative. There is a great requirement of skills that helps to translate the raw information into knowledge that is valuable and sense-making to the people. Digital storytelling makes the science fact or current event more alive for the viewers and relatable. The quality of the communication is important as it helps to detail and visualize the health stories that are important for the people to analyze and understand it (Lal, Donnelly Shin, 2015). Communication style and techniques that immerses the viewer into the experiences and thinking of the story teller is a crucial aspect of the digital narrative. As the digital narrative involves more than just words, effective communication is required to understand the content that is worth sharing (Flottemesch, 2013). The crafting of communication is required so that it reaches out to people in informing and influencing them. The narrator starts in a dramatic way and concludes it in a memorable way so that the viewers are hooked to the video clip. 2.b.There are similarities and differences between the mainstream website like and "How's Your Sugar?" website. The mainstream website provides information about the diabetes that is developed by the Australian government depicting what they are doing in order to prevent, manage and control diabetes among the Australian population (, 2017). It is aimed at general public providing practical information. On the other hand, "How's Your Sugar?" website is developed by the Victoria University which is focused on the diabetes management among the Indigenous population (, 2017). Another major difference between them is that mainstream website majorly reflects upon legislation, user need and policy. "How's Your Sugar?" website focuses on the diabetes management among the Indigenous population through peer to peer narrative via video clips. The video clips contain the health stories narrated by the Aboriginal people living with d iabetes. It is more effective than mainstream website as the digital narrative provide videos that are more culturally relevant and relatable the community people. People are able to make more sense of the complex chronic disease like diabetes through experiences and make more sense based on storyline. Digital narrative through "How's Your Sugar?" website has entered the mainstream due to technological explosion and high level of engagement. The similarity between the both website is that it deals with the diabetes prevention, management and control among the Australian population. Both the website provides wide information regarding diabetes management and the common parameter is the healthy well-being of the Australian population with respect to proper diabetes management and control. 3.Another similar website that also promotes health through narrative health model is Physical Services, P. (2017). Physical Health Websites | Beacon. Retrieved 1 April 2017, from 4.As a health care professional, I think, the website, "How's Your Sugar?" is an innovative tool for education and health promotion. It provides a platform for the people to tell their health stories and understand health in a more efficient, informative and educational way. Through narrative health, healthcare professionals are able to access the peoples health in providing them holistic care (Lambert, 2013). It is a better way to connect to people while listening to their health stories and delivery of healthcare through bio-medical health process. It is also a way to get additional information about the patients apart from the visible symptoms. The digital narrative provide the feelings of the patient about their prevailing condition that enables the healthcare professionals to address the psychological and emotional issues that are manifested as a result of the illness (Flaounas et al., 2013). When the healthcare professionals listen to the stories of the people, they are able to offer accurate and better diagnoses for the patients. Moreover, it also provides individualized treatment that aids the patient in reframing their disease and feels validated. As a healthcare professional, digital narrative helps them to assess and process better the information provided by the patients (Wexler et al., 2013). It also encourages the healthcare professionals to use creativity, active listening and problem solving skills to assess the appropriate patient conditions. When the healthcare professionals assess patients by taking into account their emotional needs, they develop strong, warm relationship with their patients (Hyett, Kenny Dickson-Swift, 2014). As a healthcare professional, the knowledge about the patients in terms of their physical health and personal lives can be applied to the therapeutic process. When the patients perspectives are assessed by the healthcare professionals, it helps them in research and training in the priority areas focusing on the research gaps among the community population (DeSmet et al., 2014). It helps to develop a therapeutic relationship with the patient and provides a source of knowledge for evidence beyond the traditional medical models and in providing the patient-centered care (Cueva et al., 2013). When the healthcare professionals listen to the health stories, they are able to see and assess the difficulties of the patients and help to remove the obstacles in the promotion of health. Therefore, it is an innovate tool in the promotion of health and education. References Aspin, C., Brown, N., Jowsey, T., Yen, L., Leeder, S. (2012). Strategic approaches to enhanced health service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic illness: a qualitative study.BMC health services research,12(1), 143. Baym, N. K. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A Thermodynamic Reading of The Crying of Lot 49 Exploring thermodynamic entropy and information theory Essay Example For Students
A Thermodynamic Reading of The Crying of Lot 49 Exploring thermodynamic entropy and information theory Essay A Thermodynamic Reading of The Crying of Lot 49 Exploring thermodynamic entropy and information theory clarifies the ambiguous relationship between Oedipa Maas, Maxwells Demon and the Tristero System in The Crying of Lot 49. Through a convoluted, chaotic adventure leading to disorder, Oedipa searches for the truth about Tristero, hoping it will save her from her tower of imprisonment Pynchon, 11. Pynchon dangles this elusive message over Oedipas head until she discovers Tristeros meaning. However, interference from thermodynamic entropy and the entropy of information theory prevent the message from being transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver. Thermodynamics deals with the changes that occur in a system if energy distribution is unbalanced. Thermodynamics can be regarded as governing the direction of all physical changes taking place in the universe. With time, the energy within a system will inevitably tend to become distributed in the most probable pattern, which consists of all the individual particles of the system engaging in random, disordered motion OED. Thermodynamic entropy is the measure of this disorganization in the universe. In a closed, isolated system, the total quantity of energy remains the same, but irreversible transformations within this system cause a loss in the grade of the energy. In The Crying of Lot 49, Oedipa Maas realizes her confinement is similar to the closed system in which entropy thrives Pynchon, 11. If she does not open her system, her energy will degrade until she is an embodiment of random disorder. At some point she went into the bathroom, tried to find her image in the mirror and couldnt. She had a moment of nearly pure terror. Pynchon, 29. An image is created in a mirror when radiation falls upon an object of varying density, causing light to scatter, which composes the reflection. If there were no differences in density, and only random motion, there would be no image to project. Pynchon foreshadows Oedipas fate through the degradation of thermodynamic entropy. Mechanical energy is an example of high-grade energy and heat is an example of low-grade energy. Thus, as entropy increases, negentropy degrades into heat, which is a form of energy arising from randomly moving molecules OED. When a closed system possesses an unstable distribution of densities and gas molecules cluster in different areas, there is a lower probability and higher potential to do mechanical work. The loss of heat in entropy expresses the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy functions at the stagnant maximum of thermodynamic entropy, when energy or ideas cannot be transferred because the universe is at normal human body temperature. Oedipa suffers this loss of heat to some degree, because her embodiment of thermodynamic entropy is an obstacle to her understanding of the message. As if, on some other frequency, or out of the eye of some whirlwind rotating too slow for her heated skin even to feel the centrifugal coolness of, words were being spoken Pynchon, 14. The rate of oscillation or vibration at which that these words are being spoken is unintelligibleà to Oedipa, coming at her like a confused, tumultuous process of the exchange of heat from a hot to cold system in exchange for usable energy OED. Thus, Oedipa is incapable of receiving the information whirling around her. She is trapped within the thermodynamic entropy of her system. Information theory is the mathematical theory of communication used to determine speed and quantity of information transmission. It statistically computes redundant information necessary to counteract any distortion or loss that may occur during transmission from one information source to another. Aside from the semantics of information, Claude Shannon asserts that the message is selected from a set of possible messages. A system with certain physical or conceptual entities must be designed to operate for each possible selection; not just the one chosen, because this is unknown at the time of design. If the number of messages in the set is finite, this number is a measure of the information produced when one message is chosen from the set with all choices being equally likely Shannon, 3. Adventures Of Huck Finn Theme EssayThe Demon has the power to reverse thermodynamic entropy, by producing a staggering set of energies through the destruction of a massive complex of information. Pynchon, 84 à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å"85 His actions would violate the second law of thermodynamics, because entropy is an irreversible transformation. In this situation, the human sensitive supplies information the Demon needs to convert heat into usable energy. Pynchon, 85 As Brillouin concludes, every type of experiment represents a transformation of negentropy into information Brillouin, 12. For the demon to separate gas molecules, he must be able to see them, so he expends a high negentropy, radiation or light, to see the molecules varying densities. However, the quantity of negentropy produced from this information overcompensates for the loss in the first step. According to Nefastis explanation, the sensitive does all of the work, supplying information for the Demon, by visually concentrating on Maxwells picture. The Demon, however, participates at some deep, psychic level, which might expend energy, but certainly not in a measurable way as Oedipa does. Pynchon, 84 Nefastis tells Oedipa to Leave mind open, receptive to the Demons message Pynchon, 85. She tells him he is not reaching her, so he repeats the message. Yet, Oedipa asks the same thing sheà thinks a few pages later amongst the freeway madness Pynchon, 87. She cannot see that the connection Nefastis derives is more than the objective coincidence of the two equations. She tried for many minutes, waiting for the demon to communicate amongst the noise from the high-pitched, comic voices issued from the TV set, but she only perceives a misfired nerve cell Pynchon, 85 86. The unheard message is like a hieroglyphic sense of concealed meaning, of an intent to communicate, but the revelation trembled just past the threshold of understanding Pynchon, 14. Maxwells Demon may be the metaphor that connects thermodynamics to information flow, but The act of metaphor then s a thrust at truth and a lie, depending where you were: inside, safe, or outside, lost Pynchon, 85 105. The Demon becomes the channel, which carries the message from the transmitter to the receiver. Whatever information is contained within the channel will be accurate and truthful, but what information leaks out during the transmission will be lost. A lie may be in its place; the lie Oedipa built her life around. Oedipa wondered whethershe too might not be left with only compiled memories of cluesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦which must always blaze out, destroying its own message irreversiblyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Pynchon, 95. The light the Demon uses to identify molecules is too bright for Oedipas system. Truth, like the entropy of information theory, irreversibly destroys the meaning of its own message, just as the Demon destroys knowledge the sensitive passes on to create energy. In this paradoxical state, Oedipas quest for the truth about Tristero and escape her tower are unsuccessful, because they bring her back to the same quantity of heat energy. Oedipa is stuck in a cycle of wasting energy finding information that loses value over time, ending up in the highly probable state of uncertainty over Tristero. Even if she found a central truth, its generated power would destroy the Pynchons ambiguous message. This appeals to science, because the high entropy of the information level at the end of the novel implies high probability and uncertainty. Pynchon would have violated the theory of information had he revealed the encoded message.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The film progresses Essay Example For Students
The film progresses Essay Alfred Hitchcock has been called The Master Of Suspense, Discuss the techniques he uses to create and maintain suspense in psycho. Do you think he deserves this title?Ã At the time of release, 1960, psycho was a ground breaking project. After its primary screening it was an immediate box-office success, earning over $15,000,000 in its first year, over 15 times as much as it cost to make. When I first saw the film, I would not of classified it as a horror, more of a suspense thriller. But looking back I begin to realise what a great effect this film would have had on people in 1960. We will write a custom essay on The film progresses specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It was the first of its kind, comparing this to Tod Brownings Dracula and others of such kind, would be like comparing The Exorcist to My Little Pony. Armed with its master-class cast, consisting of Janet Leigh, Anthony Perkins and many other household names, its most excellent story line and script and one of the best directors of the time, Psycho stormed Hollywood and tested family values such as motherly love. As I have previously stated the film had a very good story line. Based on the book written by Welles, the story of psycho influenced our modern day slasher film. But unlike most horror films psycho questioned the ultimate dichotomy of good and evil, for example making us relate with and feel sorry for, thieves and mass murderers.Ã The scene after the opening sequence is set in a shabby motel in the city of Phoenix. It revealed that Marion was sleeping with a married man in debt named Sam. The film progresses to a point where Marion has the opportunity to steal $40,000 very easily. Ultimately Marion leaves Phoenix with the money and heads in the direction of Fareville where Sam lives. Events occur that lead her to buy a new car and end up in the Bates Motel where it would be safe to sleep. She ends up in a deep conversation with Norman Bates. It was established that bates was somewhat, mentally infringed. Then there is the famous shot of bates watching her undress through the peephole. Then eventually whilst Marion is taking a shower a knife wielding female comes through the door and kills Marion, the body is disposed of by Norman Bates and we are led to believe that his mother had stabbed Marion. A private detective named Arbogast is sent to look for Marion joined by Sam and Marions sister. After questioning bates, Arbogast is not convinced so he returns to the motel alone where he too is stabbed, unmistakably by Norman Bates. It is then revealed that Bates mother has been dead years and Marions sister disturbingly confirm this when she stumbles onto the corpse at the motel bates is arrested and that is basically it. There is a very interesting and fitting title sequence in psycho. Hermans famous music is played whilst, the credits and so on were being displayed in the most interesting of fashions. The text appears and is just a few lines, it expands horizontally to reveal the whole word. The text is white on a black background, which gives a good felling of a dichotomy, a theme that runs throughout the film. With all of its aspects the title sequence is quite dramatic which sets the feeling for the rest of the film. In films, music plays a key role, more important than special effects or even the actors. In my opinion you can judge how suitable the music is by your realisation of it being there. If the music is well suited to the scene you will hardly notice it at all and it will create a mood without you even realising it. But if the music is out of place, that would be noticed straight away.Ã Without music most films would have no effect on the audience, be it horror, action or romance without the music there would be no mood. .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 , .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .postImageUrl , .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 , .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894:hover , .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894:visited , .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894:active { border:0!important; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894:active , .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894 .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucc83542032277ef28d6be4bd2aea3894:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Cinema and Surrealism EssayIn psycho the music is a masterpiece of sheer brilliance it so well suited to the film you find yourself involuntarily judering with each stroke of the high pitched strings. For example in the shower scene the music is the most important part ( coming from the opinion of a musician this may be slightly bias but if there was no music how would the scene effect you?) I have tried watching the shower scene on mute and it really has no effect on the audience. When Herman wrote the piece he was in the right frame of mind, the high pitch short strokes of the violins and the under lying drone of the double bass really suits the scene better than if it was played by a brass section.Ã The camera angles in psycho were somewhat experimental. It used a wide range if camera shots varying from straightforward long shots to state of the art intercutting and iris shots. Hitchcock was the first person to experiment with this wide range of camera angles. Seeing as this was the first film to use these new techniques, they were used relatively effectively. One of the most effective shots in the film was the extreme close up of bates eye when he was looking through the peep hole at Marion getting changed. The only things in the shot were his eye and the wall. A beam of light shone through the hole onto bates eye and this was very effective.Ã This brings me very nicely on to the next subject, lighting. Now the most obvious feature that everyone will notice is that the film was filmed in black and white when Hitchcock had the potential to film it in full colour so this was obviously his preference and not necessity. Perhaps Hitchcock chose to shoot the film in black and white because the colour that was available was very poor, but I feel this is not the case. I believe that Hitchcock chose to film psycho in black and white as a pose to colour not because the only colour film was very poor quality. No I believe that Hitchcock felt that having it in black and white would increase the suspense and the amount of fear induced on his audience. As far as I can tell this worked, however this is hard to judge because the same film was not made in colour so we wouldnt know. Although I empathise with Hitchcock, the film may have been better in colour, but this is doubtful. The film psycho is highly if not mostly acclaimed for its audience traps. Hitchcock has always been a very manipulative director but in the film psycho he most definitely excelled himself. There are three main audience traps in this film. Primarily we are led to believe, in fact have no doubt about the existence of Mrs. Bates. We are also made to think that bates is a good person and that his mother is the murderer. Towards the end of the film it is revealed that this is not the case and this shocks the audience. Some of the techniques that Hitchcock uses make it so that you do not question the reality of what is being made out. However upon watching the film again it becomes quite apparent that the audience is being manipulated. When watching the film for the first time you do not question the voice over of Bates mother and have no doubt that bates is just a lonesome man who looks after his sick mother. Another technique that Hitchcock used in this film is repetition of certain images, such images as mirrors and voyeurism that, subconsciously, we recognise and grow to be weary of. Like becoming aware that something sinister is afoot when Hermanns famous music is played.Ã One of the main themes that runs throughout the film is that of a split personality. The most blatant example of this is Norman Bates but without realising it Marion herself is somewhat of a schizophrenic. We first meet a respectable person, we are led to know her as a good person. But she is ultimately a thief. But the audience does not see it that way and they are made to sympathise with her. .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 , .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .postImageUrl , .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 , .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904:hover , .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904:visited , .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904:active { border:0!important; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904:active , .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904 .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u73fd5ed1776690931c53ea601b693904:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Charlie Chaplin and The Kid EssayThis also leads to another main theme of mirrors throughout the film. Symbolic of similarity or resemblance, but who between? When we think about it the two main characters in the film, Bates and Marion are almost identical in their situation. Both have secrets, both are criminals and both are very lonely.Ã So with all of the films audience traps, quirky camera angles, marvellous soundtrack and groundbreaking narrative, I conclude that Alfred Hitchcock fully deserves his title as the Master Of Suspense.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Blanches psychological breakdown Essays - English-language Films
Blanche's psychological breakdown Essays - English-language Films Blanche's psychological breakdown English Blanche's psychological breakdown In Tennesse Williams' play, "A Streetcar Named Desire" the readers are introduced to a character named Blanche DuBois. In the plot, Blanche is Stella's younger sister who has come to visit Stella and her husband Stanley in New Orleans. After their first meeting Stanley develops a strong dislike for Blanche and everything associated with her. Among the things Stanley dislikes about Blanche are her "spoiled-girl" manners and her indirect and quizzical way of conversing. Stanley also believes that Blanche has conned him and his wife out of the family mansion. In his opinion, she is a good-for-nothing "leech" that has attached itself to his household, and is just living off him. Blanche's lifelong habit of avoiding unpleasant realities leads to her breakdown as seen in her irrational response to death, her dependency, and her inability to defend herself from Stanley's attacks. Blanches situation with her husband is the key to her later behavior. She married rather early at the age of sixteen to whom a boy she believed was a perfect gentleman. He was sensitive, understanding, and civilized much like herself coming from an aristocratic background. She was truly in love with Allen whom she considered perfect in every way. Unfortunately for her he was a homosexual. As she caught him one evening in their house with an older man, she said nothing, permitting her disbelief to build up inside her. Sometime later that evening, while the two of them were dancing, she told him what she had seen and how he disgusted her. Immediately, he ran off the dance floor and shot himself, with the gunshot forever staying in Blanches mind. After that day, Blanche believed that she was really at fault for his suicide. She became promiscuous, seeking a substitute men (especially young boys), for her dead husband, thinking that she failed him sexually. Gradually her reputation as a whore built up and everyone in her home town knew about her. Even for military personnel at the near-by army base, Blanche's house became out-of-bounds. Promiscuity though wasn't the only problem she had. Many of the aged family members died and the funeral costs had to be covered by Blanche's modest salary. The deaths were long, disparaging and horrible on someone like Blanche. She was forced to mortgage the mansion, and soon the bank repossessed it. At school, where Blanche taught English, she was dismissed because of an incident she had with a seventeen-year-old student that reminded her of her late husband. Even the management of the hotel Blanche stayed in during her final days in Laurel, asked her to leave because of the all the different men that had been seeing there. All of this, cumulatively, weakened Blanche, turned her into an alcoholic, and lowered her mental stability bit-by-bit. Her husband's death affects her greatly and determines her behavior from then on. Having lost Allan, who meant so much to her, she is blinded by the light and from then on never lights anything stronger than a dim candle. This behavior is evident when she first comes to Stella's and puts a paper lantern over the light bulb. Towards the end, when the doctor comes for Blanche and she says she forgot something, Stanley hands her her paper lantern. Even Mitch notices that she cannot stand the pure light, and therefore refuses to go out with him during the daytime or to well lit places. Blanche herself says "I can't stand a naked light bulb any more than ...". A hate for bright light isn't the only affect on Blanche after Allan's death - she needs to fill her empty heart, and so she turns to a lifestyle of one-night-stands with strangers. She tries to comfort herself from not being able to satisfy Allan, and so Blanche makes an effort to satisfy strangers, thinking that they need her and that she can't fail them like she failed Allan. At the same time she turns to alcohol to avoid the brutality of death. The alcohol seems to ease her through the memories of the night of Allan's death. Overtime the memory comes back to her, the musical tune from the incident doesn't end in her mind until she has something alcoholic to drink. All of these irrational responses to death seem to signify how Blanche's mind is unstable, and yet she tries to still be the educated, well-mannered, and attractive person that Mitch first sees her as. She tries to not let the horridness come out on top of her image, wanting in an illusive and magical
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Letter to New Hires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter to New Hires - Essay Example Our principles require that we work to create a healthy, viable Earth, in addition to a healthy, viable business, and in order to do so then we must risk change. Where once forests were abundant and lumber taken from them without regulation, our environment has changed and forestry work has demanded change, also. We take great pride in the fact that all three forests owned by Collins-Pennsylvania, Almanor, and Lakeview-have been independently certified by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) in accordance with the principles and standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Preserving our environment in order that our children and grandchildren may enjoy the natural beauty of our forests is the foundation of the Collins Company. The 295,000 acres of timberlands owned by the company are biodiverse, multi-layered, canopied forests. Each forest is self-sustaining and includes more wood today than it did over a century ago. They contain habitats of bald eagles, black bears, wild turkeys, rubber boas, beavers, great blue heron rookeries and the endangered Goose Lake redband trout. They are enhanced by meadows, and various water features including springs, creeks, rivers, and lakes. These forest are naturally healthy with trees grown only from a combination of sunshine, water, and nutrients from fertile soil.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business Policy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business Policy - Case Study Example ort tries to identify the challenging environment that the company is facing in its operating environment in the recent months, along with that it gives an outline about the future strategic directions that the company might pursue. The report is based on three principal issues -1) The External Environment Analysis, 2) The Internal Capability Analysis, 3) Recommendation and Conclusion. According to the International Air Transport Association, the industry lost up to $8 billion in 2008 which is even greater than what was forecasted previously. The report uses a PESTEL analysis (See PESTEL Analysis: Appendix D) to scan the external environmental structure of the company. The business cycle of British Airways includes several parameters. This is due to the fact that airline industry is characterized by longer business cycle resulting from the lower profitability and for the lower shareholder returns. (Liehr, Nd, page 1). The marketing environment is constantly changing and with every change in the last few years airlines industry is being affected. The demand for the airline industry is highly income elastic. (ââ¬Å"An analysis of British Airways Marketing Environmentâ⬠, 2008) Thus the rise in the fuel prices last year and recent economic turmoil has affected the airlines industry in huge way as the passengers are avoiding more expensive air travels. According to a report by Air Transport association of America, the revenue generated from passenger travels for all airlines fell by 19 % during the month of February, 2009 when compared to February 2008. This is the forth consecutive month where loss is being recorded. The business sector, hit badly by the economic crisis are cutting back on their airline trips. British airways having ten flights operating daily between London and New York is among the worst hit. (ââ¬Å"Lucrative Business class air travel hit by crisisâ⬠, 2009) The company saw a decline in 8.6 percent in premium traffic and 4.1 percent in non premium.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Argument - Pursue my Career of Choice, not that of the VA Essay
Argument - Pursue my Career of Choice, not that of the VA - Essay Example should pursue, in this respect I have found that the skill of negotiating can be developed through constant practice, direct personal experiences and that individuals use different negotiation styles. These differences in negotiation styles depend upon the individualââ¬â¢s personality and the situation which include the objectives for negotiating. Conflict arises when the interests of people do not coincide. Since each individual is unique in his own way, the potential for conflict in human interactions is high. For instance, people perceive the same things differently. They may, likewise, disagree about how things are and how they should be. Sometimes, simple misunderstandings can lead to major disputes. As a military veteran scholar, I have regularly communicated with Mr. Les Sakuma. Upon Mr. Sakumaââ¬â¢s advice, I should pursue a degree in Business Management or Computer Science, of which I have already had brief and uninteresting careers in both of the fields. I would like to pursue something that I am actually enthusiastic in doing, rather that something I am forced to do. Mr. Les Sakuma has worked with the Veterans Affairs for more than 30 years. He is very hardworking, diligent and determined to work for the accomplishment of the Veteranââ¬â¢s mission and goals. Mr. Sakuma plainly states that since the Veteranââ¬â¢s Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation Program is paying for me to get educated in order to obtain gainful employment; he would not approve the forensic field of study. I am firm to convince him otherwise. Mr. Les Sakuma advised me to pursue a degree in Business Management or Computer Science because of my past experiences. He believes I would be successful in either of these endeavors. Furthermore, he feels that my physical disability would not be greatly challenged by delving into any of these careers. He is also unaware that a career in Forensic Photography is a viable option in Hawaii, where I am currently based. With these arguments in mind, I need
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Process Of Sending And Receiving Messages
The Process Of Sending And Receiving Messages Business Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. Effective communication, however, occurs when individuals achieve a shared understanding, stimulate others to take actions, and encourage people to think in new ways. Communication occurs in many forms. You can pick up the phone and have a conversation with your supervisor or leave her a voice-mail message if she is unavailable. You can choose, instead, to write her a memo and send it by e-mail. Beside, she can respond to your message in the form of her choice. Communication can be formal or informal, spoken or written, and internal or external. In every part of business organization, communication provides the vital link between people and information. The ways we communicate is a learned style. As children we learn from watching our parents and other adults communicate. The communication Process consists of a message being sent and received. The message may be verbal or non-verbal. The same basic principles apply whether humans, animals, other forms of life, or combinations of these are involved. Your challenge, as an instructor, is to not merely communication with your students but to communication effectively. Whether you are speaking or writing, listening or reading, communication is more than a single act. The sender has an idea, Senders are individuals who react to situations from a unique vantage point, interpreting ideas and filtering experiences through their own perception. Unique to individual senders, and integral to all the communication they engage in, is a background of accumulated attitudes, experiences, skills, cultural conditioning and individual differences that influences how they communicate. The sender encodes an idea or feeling in words or signs that the receiver will recognize and transmits this message to the receiver. The sender transforms the idea into a message, when you put your idea into a message that your receiver will understand, you are encoding, deciding on the messages form (word, facial expression, gesture), length, organization, tone, and style- all of which depend on your idea, your audience, and your personal style or mood. The sender transmits the message, to transmits your message to your receiver, you select a communication channel such as the telephone, a letter, a memo, an e-mail- even a facial gesture. The receiver decodes or interprets the message to achieve understanding. In doing this, the receiver is also acting as an individual from a unique vantage point, interpreting the idea according to a particular personal perception of the message. The channel and medium you choose depend on your message, the location of your audience, your need for speed, and the formality of the situation. This perception is the result of the receiver unique background of experiences, beliefs, concerns and many other factors. The receiver gets the message, You have no guarantee that your message will actually get through. The receiver may not hear you, for communication to occur, your receiver must first get the message. If you send a letter, your receiver has to read it before understanding it. If youre giving a speech, the people in your audience have to be able to hear you, and they have to be paying attention. The receiver interprets the message, Your receiver must cooperate by decoding your message, absorbing and understanding it. Then the decoded message has to be stored in the receivers mind. If all goes well, the message is interpreted correctly; that is, the receiver assigns the same basic meaning to the words as the sender intended and responds in the desired way. The receiver reacts and sends feedback to the sender, Feedback is your receivers response, the final link in the communication chain. After getting the messages, your receiver responds in some way and signals that response to you. Feedback is the key element in the communication process because it enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of your messages. If your audience does not understand what you mean, you can tell by the response and refine your message. Explain the communication process. How does one ensure that the intended audience has received the right message? As the product manager of a soon-to-be-launched product, explain the methods, the mediums, and the vehicles that you would use the communication with your target audience to persuade them to buy your product. Produce one (1) advertisement for your product. *Student may decide on whatever product that they wish. Formulating a message: Communication is a dynamic process. Your idea cannot be communicated if you ignore, fail, or skip any step in that process. Unfortunately, the process can be interrupted before it really begins-while you are trying to put your idea into words. Several things can go wrong when you are formulating a message, including indecision about the content of your message, lack of familiarity with the situation or the receiver, and difficulty in expressing ideas. Learn about your Audience: You want to create a bridge of words that leads audience members from their rent position to your point. Before you can do so, you have to know something about your audiences current position. What do they know? What do they need to know? If youre addressing strangers, try to find out more about them; if thats impossible, try to protect yourself into their position by using common sense and imagination. Knowing as much as you can about your audience puts you in touch with the needs youll want to satisfy. Different in perception: The world constantly bombards us with information: sights, sounds, scents, and so on. Our minds organize this stream of sensation into a mental map that represents our perception of reality. In no case is the map in a persons mind the same as the world itself, and no two maps are exactly alike. As you view the world, your mind absorbs your experiences in a unique and personal way. For example, if you go out for pizza with friend, each of you will notice different things. As you enter the restaurant, one of you may notice the coolness of the air-conditioning; the other may notice the aroma pizza. Overcoming perceptual barriers can be difficult. Try to predict how your message will be received, anticipate your receivers reactions, and shape the message accordingly-constantly adjusting to correct any misunderstanding. Try not to apply the same solution to every problem, but look for solutions to fit specific problems. Frame your messages in terms that have meaning for your audience, and try to find something useful in every message you receive. Language Problems: When you choose the words for your message, you signal that you are a member of a particular culture or subculture and that you know the code. The nature of your code-your language and vocabulary-imposes its own barriers on your message. For example, the language of lawyer differs from that of an accountant or a doctor, and the difference in their vocabularies affects their ability to recognize and express ideas. To overcome language barriers, use the most specific and accurate words possible. Always try to use words your audience will understand. Increase the accuracy of your messages by using language that describes rather than evaluates and presenting observable facts, events, and circumstances. Keep your Audience focused: You can also help your audience by eliminating any information that doesnt directly contribute to your purpose. Many business messages contain too much material. The sender, in hopes of being thorough, tries to explain everything there is to know about a subject, but most audiences dont need everything. All they need are a few pertinent facts, enough information to answer their question or facilitate their decisions. By keeping your messages as brief and as clean as possible, you make them easier to absorb. Show your Audience how new information relates to existing ideas: The mind absorbs information by categorizing it into mental files. If you want your audiences to understand and remember new ideas, you have to indicate how those ideas are related to the files that already exist in their minds. When the connection with familiar concepts is lacking, the new material tends to get lost, to become mentally misplaced, because it doesnt fit into your audiences filling cabinet. By showing the audience how new ideas relate to familiar ones, you increase the likelihood that your message will be understand correctly. Therefore, connecting new ideas to existing ones also helps make the new concepts acceptable. Minimize Noise: Even the most carefully constructed message will fail to achieve results if it does not reach your audience. As far as possible, try eliminate potential sources of interference. Then make sure your choice of communication channel and medium does not interfere with your message. Choose the method that will be most likely to attract your audiences attention and enable them to concentrate on the message. If a written document seems the best choice, try to make it physically appealing and easy to comprehend. Use attractive, convenient format, and pay attention to such details as the choice of paper and the quality of type. If possible, deliver the document when you know the reader will have time to study it. If the message calls for an oral delivery channel, try to eliminate physical barriers. The location should be comfortable and quiet, with adequate lighting, good acoustics, and few visual distractions. In addition, think about how your own appearance will affect the audience. An outfit that screams for attention creates as much noise as a squeaky air-conditioning system. Another way to reduce interference, particularly in oral communication, is to deliver your message directly to intended audience. The more people who filter your message, the greater the potential for message distortion. Facilitate Feedback: In addition to minimizing noise, giving your audience a chance to provide feedback is crucial. But one thing that makes business communication difficult is the complexity of the feedback loop. If you are talking face-to-face with another person, feedback is immediate and clear. However, if you are writing a letter, memo, or report that will be read by several people, feedback will be delayed and mixed. Some of the readers will be enthusiastic or respond promptly; others will be critical or reluctant to respond, and revising your message to take into account their feedback will be difficult. When you plan a message, think about the amount of feedback you want to encourage. Although feedback is generally useful, it reduces your control over the communication situation. You need to know whether your message is being understood and accepted, but you may not want to respond to comments until you have completed your argument. If you are communicating with a group, you may not have the time to react to every impression or question. Answer for question 2: As a Product Manager of my product which is going to be launch soon, my product is a smart mobile phone IPhone 5.This product can used by different age only for teenagers. This product can communicate with others country by using Face Time. This product is invisible because it is made by class. The product is using Os 5 software that created by me. To promote my product I will use methods, mediums, and vehicles. I will ask the producer to make some cloth banner or PVC banner or leaflet (with really a big font and a logo about my product, my contact number and name) and displaying it at strategic locations. I also will obtain the license from the city council before posting the advertisement. Thus, through this method, I will make sure them to buy my product. The mediums or channels that Im going to use to promote my product are internal communication, external communication and also individuals contact. The Methods that use to promote my product: The first method that use to promote my product is by Flyers. Nowadays, people will use flyers to introduce your business and to announce new offers or promotions. Flyers and leaflets are great way to promote businesses of all sizes. Flyer printing can be a great promotional tool for telling people about the products and services you offer. A flyer or a leaflet is a tangible sales promotion tool that will help your business to stick in the mind of the consumer. The second method that use to promote my product is online advertising. Nowadays internet are famous among teenagers because teenagers is a very fast learner. Online advertising is a very good method because everyone will know what you post such as, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MSN and others. The third method that use to promote my product is by Radio. Did you what is radio? Radio is a common thing that human will use it for everyday because radio will give us a lot of information about general knowledge. Through radio I can advertise my product to world wide. The fourth method that use to promote my product is Hot air balloon. Hot air balloons catch attention because their huge and they fly. The cost of a hot air balloon is quite cheap. I will promote hot air balloon before my product is launch. The fifth method that use to promote my product is Exhibition. Exhibition will get or got in anywhere in the world wide. Exhibition is the place for business man to promote he or her products at there. Flyers : Flyers dont cost as much as other advertising methods but can effectively get your message across to your target audience. By using flyers the clients will recall you about the product and promote awareness. Flyer printing can be a great promotional tool for telling people about the products and services you offer. A flyer or a leaflet is a tangible sales promotion tool that will help your business to stick in the mind of the consumer. There are many different size for flyers. There are many printers that produce flyers in different sizes with the most popular sizes being A4, A5, A6 and DL. Online Advertising: Online advertising will need internet to transfer the advertisement into a post and send it to everyone in world wide. Online advertising is a very good method because everyone will know what you post such as, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, MSN and others. The customer or client can order my product or ask / get information about my product, it can help me to attract customer. I also will use online advertising to promote my product through world wide and let everyone know about my product. Radio: Radio is a type of communication to human. Radio can let human by getting some daily news, general knowledge and others information. If the customer is interested in the radio advertisement, he or she will wrote down or listen the information carefully. Lastly, through radio I can advertise my product to world wide and others know about my product. Hot air balloon: Hot air balloon is an object that being release in the sky and it will be floating anywhere in the sky. Hot air balloons catch attention because their huge and they fly. Anything that is visible to the eye and flying is always a novelty but for it to be considered more than just a novelty lies in how the things look like. There are many different shapes for a hot air balloon, such as love shapes, round shapes and others shapes. These types of advertising balloons are becoming increasingly popular as they never fail to catch the eye of any spectator young or old from the road. One advantage of following an advertising balloon campaign is that it can be easily managed. All you will need is having your own balloon with your logo or brand made or rented all you are all good to go. All these make such balloons a very valuable advertising tool that businesses just cannot lay by the wayside. Exhibition: Exhibition is the place that the business man or a producer will promote he/her product at there. you can use your event to hire your product more effectively than many businesses will do at a trade show. Think about the different display options that you can hire to show your products to potential customers at the trade show. Conclusion: In my opinion, Iphone 5 is very cool and have a lot of function which is interest by the youth and teenagers. For the moment, the interest of the youth towards the Iphone 5 is tremendous and they cannot wait for it. Lastly, I hope so my Iphone 5 can satisfied the user and the sales of the Iphone 5 can hit the target sales when it is being launched.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
George Catlett Marshall Essay -- essays research papers
George Catlett Marshall George Catlett Marshall served as a representative of the public service from 1939 to 1951, proposed the Marshall Plan, and was awarded the Nobel Prize. From 1924 to 1927, Marshall served in China and then successively as instructor in the Army War College in 1927, as assistant commandant of the Infantry School from 1927 to 1936. In 1936, Marshall was appointed commander of the Fifth Infantry Brigade. I July of 1938, Marshall accepted a position with General Staff in Washington, D. C (The Nobel Foundation 1). In September of 1939, President Roosevelt named George Catlett Marshall as Chief of Staff, which he took command of the army and its air forces on the day war began in Europe (Perkins 210). He became General of the Army in 1944. George Catlett Marshall built and directed the largest army in history. He became responsible for the building, supplying and recruiting over eight and a half million soldiers (The Nobel Foundation 1). Winston Churchill pronounced him ââ¬Å"the true organizer of victoryâ⬠for his work as trainer, planner, and strategist. Shortly after the war ended, Marshall decided to resign. He resigned in Novemb er of 1945 (Foner and Garraty 702). After his career in military ended, he pursued a diplomatic career. Marshall was sent to China to make peace between the Nationalists and the Communists, but the mission failed. On January 21, 1947, Marshall was named secretary of state (Luce 24). In 1950, after the outbreak of the Korean War, President Truman asked Marshall to return to the government as the head of the Department of defense. Page 2 In that year, Marshall increased the size of the army, promoted a plan for the universal military training, and helped to develop the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Foner and Garraty 703). As Marshallââ¬â¢s position as chief of staff, he urged military readiness prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. From 1941 he was a member of the policy committee that supervised the atomic studies engaged in by American and British scientists (The Nobel Foundation 1). President Harry Truman had many big decisions to make. Those decisions would greatly affect Americans and people around the world. In one of the most important of Trumanââ¬â¢s decisions, he persuaded the American people to act generously to the defeated nations. What he had in mind had never been done before in the history of t... ...han brilliant, but his record of achievement stands almost unequaled. Primarily a military man, he served with immense distinction in other fields, and he had much to do with bringing out many of the distinguished soldiers of the war period,â⬠says Dexter Perkins (Perkins 211). He was not only loved and respected by our nation and world, but also by his family and friends. Before Marshallââ¬â¢s death in Washington, D.C., on October 16, 1959, Winston Page 5 Churchill paid him the following tribute: ââ¬Å"During my long and close association with successive American administrations, there are few men whose qualities of mind and character have impressed me so deeply as those of General Marshal. He is a great American, but he is far more than that. In war he was as wise as understanding in counsel as he was resolute in action. In peace he was the architect who planned the restoration of our battered European economy and, at the same time, labored tirelessly to establish a system of Western defense. He has always fought victoriously against defeatism, discouragement, and disillusion. Succeeding generations must not be allowed to forget his achievements and his exampleâ⬠(The Nobel Foundation 1)
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Efficient Building Services
EFFICIENT Building Services Introduction The freshly constructed T2 Inspection Facility is located within Dubaiââ¬â¢s Jebel Ali Portââ¬Ës Container Terminal 2. The edifice has five chief installations including particular review installation, detained stuff warehouse, Canis familiaris pace, usage review installation, and municipality review installation. The edifice was completed in the twelvemonth April 2013. The review installation is used for general review of lading come ining or go forthing the state. It has a 1.35-meter steel platform from the finish floor degree associated with dock leveler with a hinged lab isolation platform ( LIP ) concrete incline. The installation has hot rolled subdivisions with aluminum roof cladding scaling a tallness of 8.15 metre. Besides, the review installation has an opaque aluminum fencing around it with a tallness of 2 metres from the top of the platform. The detained stuff installation is to keep stuffs illicitly transported through the airdrome. The detained stuff warehouse occupied the land and first floors. It has a medium coating with ceramic flooring tiles for office country. The floor and wall tiles in wet countries have sixty square inch ceiling. Internal wall are painted with washable emulsion pigment for easiness in cleansing. Like the review installation, it has a platform with a tallness of 1.35 metre from finish floor degree associated with dock leveler with hinged LIP platform size concrete incline and concrete stairss. It besides has steel construction with a built up country of 732.0 m2and entire tallness of 9.20 metre, hot rolled subdivisions with aluminum roof facing and vision panels at roof. Besides, the installation has a hydraulic lift and steel stairway to ease entree to the edifice. The installation has a block walls for office, larder and lavatories. The Canis familiaris pace has a built up country of 65.70 m2and entire tallness of 5.35 metre. It has a medium coating with ceramic flooring tiles for dry countries with 60 square inches ceiling tiles. The floor and wall tiles for wet countries have sixty square inches H2O opposition ceiling tiles. The internal walls are coated with washable emulsion pigment while the exterior lifts and sunning zones are coated with epoxy pigment. The imposts review installation has a 1.35-meter platform from finish floor degree associated with dock leveler with hinged LIP platform size and concrete inclines. The installation has an office edifice with a built up country of 515 m2and entire tallness of 5.4 metre with hot rolled subdivisions with strengthened concrete slab. The floors have a medium coating with ceramic flooring tiles for dry countries the same size as the other installations ( 60 square inches ) . Wet countries have H2O immune tiles. The installation has block walls with washable emulsion pigment for internal walls. To heighten the lighting of the edifice, the roof has aluminium cladding with vision panels. The municipality review facilityââ¬â¢s office edifice has a built up country of 800 m2and entire tallness of 5.0 metre. It has hot rolled subdivisions with strengthened concrete slab. Medium finish with ceramic flooring tiles for dry countries with 60X60 false ceiling tiles, floor & A ; wall tiles for wet countries with 60X60 H2O opposition false ceiling tiles. It besides has block walls with washable emulsion pigment for internal walls. Main installations offered in the edifice Electrical system The edifice has a substation providing low electromotive force electricity into the edifice. It has one low electromotive force panel with seven Sub Main Distribution Boards. The system has on capacitance bank and eight poles light. It besides has backup generator for supplying electricity in times of breaks in brinies electricity. The electrical plants comply with the ordinances of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority ( DEWA ) ordinances. The edifice has particular LED lighting through all its installations that complies with CIBSE criterions. The country around the edifice has 30-Meter high masts that light the full location. The masts are equipped with adjustable metal halide visible radiations. Besides, the masts have supports on the lantern ring for IT entree point and security cameras. The edifice besides has power, telephone and information web canals that serve the buildingââ¬â¢s needs. The electrical canals step 150mm, telephone steps 100 millimeter, informations canals measure 100mm while security camera ducts step 100mm. Notably, power, and telephone and information web connexions to all installations in conformity with criterions laid down by the governments. Air conditioning and airing The edifice has a functional air airing system that complies with the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers ( ASHRAE ) . All stuffs used in the edifice were sourced from certified makers. The stuffs comply with international specifications. The edifice is fitted with air conditioning equipment complete with window and wall fumes canals. The system has an automatic shutter to maximise the indoor air quality. The bringing pipes are made of insulated Cu. The refrigerating pipes run on the roof and have a metal covered tray to cut down heat addition from the environment. The air conditioning in the edifice comprises of 2 fresh air-handling units and 13 fumes fans. The system besides has a cosmetic split unit. A thermoregulator separates the split unit and the fresh air-handling unit. The FAHU runs continuously but is times to close down after having a fire dismay signal. The FAHU has an outside air and fumes dampers that remains unfastened when the system is running. These dampers stop four seconds after the supply fan Michigans. The AC system in the edifice can present a broad temperature scope with comparative easiness of accommodation. The system besides occupies small infinite largely in the ceiling. The systemââ¬â¢s heat recovery option besides conserves energy good as it recovers most of the heat from exhaust pipes. However, dehumidification in these systems is non as efficient given that the edifice is near a big H2O organic structure. The system is besides comparatively expensive compared to other systems and necessitate expensive care over clip. It is besides comparatively noisy ( Huchtemann & A ; Muller, 2014, p.23 ) . Mechanical specification of the air conditioning The air status is designed to let for DE system. This is to let the grading of the air conditioning system to cover more room in instance of enlargement or alteration of internal design. In add-on, the air conditioning system supplies treated fresh air to all suites. The exhaust pipes will hold a heat recovery mechanism to retrieve heat from the exhaust air in cold times. The Inspection bays besides have hall have air conditioning and air drapes to maximise user experience. The detained stuff warehouse has forced airing to coerce air deep into the installation ( Joo & A ; Liu, 2001 ) . Water supply and drainage The edifice has equal fresh H2O supply to all its floors. In add-on, the edifice has three Grass Reinforced Panel keeping armored combat vehicles with a set of electrical pumps. The armored combat vehicles store as much H2O as possible for usage in times of deficit. Water is heated utilizing 14 H2O warmers situated at assorted locations in the supply system. Storm H2O is drained through 22 soak ways designed to suit as much H2O as possible. The soak ways are designed in a aslant place to let for easy flow of H2O into the chief drain. Fire system The edifice has an belowground fire pipe system that is lined by cement. The pips are coated with bitumen and are made of malleable Fe in line with American Water Works Association criterions ( AWWA ) . The edifice has an A/G RCC H2O armored combat vehicle to hive away H2O as required by the relevant ordinances. In add-on, the TSE irrigation pipe extends from bing pipes from the next secret plan. Ramps, stairwaies and Elevators The edifice has luxuriant entree installations including inclines, stairwaies and lifts. These are stationed at strategic topographic points in the edifice to ease entree to the other degrees ( Allen & A ; Iano, 2008 ) . Most of the entree paths in the edifice are through inclines and stairwaies. However, lifts are available for usage unit of ammunition the clock and are powered by electrical motors. They contribute well to electrical ingestion in the edifice. Other Systems The edifice has a assortment of systems that increase the edifices atmosphere including exigency lighting, telephone systems, informations lines, photocopiers and other office machinery. These systems enhance the usage of the edifice including disposal and review services. These public-service corporations consume an estimated 5 % of the edifices electricity. Administration Command Center The edifice has a cardinal bid centre. This electronic platform integrates communicating and control system in the full edifice to a cardinal location for easiness in commanding and communicating ( Indraganti, et al. , 2014 ; Shah, Prajapti & A ; Patel, 2012, p.10 ) . The Centre ensures that activities in the assorted operational units are coordinated and incase of an exigency, the proper safety steps are implemented. The halfway Acts of the Apostless as a cardinal mention point for the direction of people, induction off procedures and direction of the systems. The system reduces running costs as a little staff staffs the cardinal bid. In peculiar, the bid centre manages the low electromotive force power systems, metering systems and security systems in the company. The centre besides oversees the smooth flow of operations among the assorted runing units of the terminus. Most significantly, the centre undertakes everyday preventative and disciplinary care processs to cut down possibi lity of accidents and malfunctions. Technical restrictions of the edifice The terminal 2 edifice was commissioned in 2013. The edifice boasts extremist modern installations and a beautiful coating. Compared to other edifices, the terminal 2 edifice has a better design and is more suitable for comfy usage and life. Most of the air and H2O supply canals are insulated to cut down energy loss o the environment. However, there are a figure of restrictions in its design and systems. To get down with, the edifice is non energy efficient. Energy costs of running the edifice are high. These include lighting and air conditioning. The design did non take into history factors such as possibility of natural illuming during daylight to salvage on energy costs. In add-on, the detained warehouse installation has a limited infinite and needs a batch of air circulation ensuing in monolithic usage of electricity ( Bonda & A ; Sosnowchik, 2007, p.31 ) . In add-on, the edifice did non use equal green engineerings in the building and care of edifice installations. For case, the edifice uses electrical H2O warmers alternatively of tapping solar energy that is abundant in Dubai ( Nunnelly, 2008 ; Thomas, Zimmerman & A ; Ott, 2011, p.14 ; Kats, et al. , 2008 ; Huchtemann & A ; Muller, 2014 ) . Decision The T2 edifice was completed in the 2013 and has five chief installations including particular review installation, detained stuff warehouse, Canis familiaris pace, usage review installation, and municipality review installation. The review installation is used for general review of lading come ining or go forthing the state and has a tallness of 8.15 metre. The detained stuff installation holds stuffs illicitly transported through the airdrome and occupies the land and first floors. The Canis familiaris pace has a built up country of 65.70 m2and entire tallness of 5.35 metre and is used a meat for sniffer Canis familiariss. The imposts review has an office edifice with a built up country of 515 m2and entire tallness of 5.4 metre with hot rolled subdivisions with strengthened concrete slab. The municipality review facilityââ¬â¢s office edifice has a built up country of 800 m2and entire tallness of 5.0 metre. It has hot rolled subdivisions with strengthened concrete ( Lee & A ; Gue rin, 2010 ) . The edifice has equal supply of fresh H2O to all its floors complete with storage armored combat vehicles. However, while the edifice boasts extremist modern installations and a beautiful coating, it lags behind modern design in energy preservation. The energy costs of running the edifice are high including lighting, warming and air conditioning. The design failed to see usage of natural illuming during daylight to salvage on energy costs. In add-on, the edifice uses electrical H2O warmers alternatively of tapping solar energy that is abundant in Dubai. Mentions Joo, I. , Liu, M. ( 2001 ) . Performance Analysis of Dual-Fan, Dual-Duct Constant Volume Air Handling Units. Cover Art:1stInternational Conference for EnhancedConstructing Operations- ICEBOTexas A & A ; M University. 16-19 July. Accessed 9 February 2012 from the nexus hypertext transfer protocol: // Nunnelly, R. ( 2008 ) . Design or operations issue? .Engineered System.Vol. 1. ( 1 ) :13. Shah, P. , Prajapti, D. Patel, M. ( 2012 ) . Overview of industrial filtration engineering and its applications.Indian Journal of Science and Technology[ online ] . Vol. 3. ( 10 ) . Thomas, Z. , Zimmerman, M. , Ott, A. ( 2011 ) . Next-Generation Building Energy Management Systems and Implications for Electricity Markets.U.S. Departmentof EnergyVol. 1. ( 14 ) . Accessed 9 February 2012 from the nexus hypertext transfer protocol: // Bonda, P. , Sosnowchik, K. ( 2007 ) .Sustainable commercial indoor. New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons Kats, G. , Alevantis, L. , Berman, A. , Mills, E. , Perlman, J. ( 2008 ) The Cost and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons Inc. Allen, E. , Iano, J. ( 2008 ) . Fundamentalss of constructing building: stuffs and methods. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons Inc. Lee, Y. , Guerin, D. ( 2010 ) . Indoor environmental quality differences between office types in LEED-certified edifices in the US.Building and Environment. Vol.45 ( 5 ) : 1104ââ¬â1112 Indraganti, M. , Ooka, R. , Rijal, H. , Brager, G. ( 2014 ) . Adaptive theoretical account of thermic comfort for offices in hot and humid climes of India.Building and Environment.Vol. 74: 39ââ¬â53 Huchtemann, K. , Muller, D. ( 2014 ) . Combined simulation of a deep land beginning heat money changer and an office edifice.Building and Environment.Vol. 73: 97ââ¬â105
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